• FROM €160


The ultimate and sensual experience

The world of erotic massage in Amsterdam is both diverse and exciting. This form of massage, in which sensual touch and intimate connection play the leading role, offers a unique way to relax and enjoy. The skilled hands of our professional masseurs and masseuses at Desire Escorts can bring your senses to life and help you reach new levels of pleasure and relaxation.

Tantra Massage

Tantric massage is a special form of erotic massage that is deeply rooted in ancient spiritual traditions. The goal of tantric massage is to generate and balance sexual energy, which can lead to deep relaxation and intense sensual satisfaction. Our trained masseurs and masseuses are well acquainted with these techniques and can provide you with an authentic tantra massage experience.

Thai massage is another form of erotic massage that is very popular in Amsterdam. It combines traditional Thai massage techniques with sensual touches to provide a unique and satisfying experience. The masseurs and masseuses at Desire Escorts have extensive experience with these techniques and can provide you with an authentic and satisfying Thai massage experience.

For couples who are looking for a unique and sensual experience, we at Desire Escorts also offer couple massages . This is a wonderful way to strengthen the bond between partners and discover new avenues of pleasure and contentment. Whether you’ve been together for years or have only recently gotten together, a couple massage can be a wonderful shared experience that can deepen and strengthen your connection.

Another popular form of erotic massage that we offer is the body to body massage. In this technique, the masseuse uses her own body to deliver the massage, creating an intense and intimate experience. The skin-to-skin contact increases sensual pleasure and creates a deep connection between the masseuse and the client.

Whether you prefer a relaxing, gentle touch or a more intense and powerful massage, our masseuses can cater to your needs. They are adept at using their bodies to satisfy you and provide you with an experience you won’t soon forget.

escort opties erotische massage

Sex Massage

At Desire Escorts, we understand that our clients’ needs and desires vary. That’s why we also offer a wide range of other services, including our sex massage. This is an extremely sensual experience where our masseuses use the art of seduction and touch to bring you to a climax of pleasure. Whether you’re looking for a gentle, romantic experience or a more daring and wild encounter, our sex massage services can cater to your needs.

Frequently asked questions

1. Wat kost een erotische massage in Amsterdam?

Onze tarieven beginnen vanaf €160 per uur.

2. Bieden jullie ook tantra massage aan?

U kunt eenvoudig een escort boeken via onze website of telefonisch contact met ons opnemen.

3. Is het mogelijk om een koppel massage te boeken?

Absoluut, wij hebben masseurs en masseuses die gespecialiseerd zijn in het geven van massages aan koppels. 

4. Wat is een body to body massage?

Bij een body to body massage gebruikt de masseuse haar eigen lichaam om de massage te geven, dit zorgt voor een intense en intieme ervaring. 

5. Bieden jullie ook andere diensten aan naast massage?

Ja, bij Desire Escorts bieden we een breed scala aan diensten aan, waaronder escort services, dinner dates, en nog veel meer.

6. Hoe kan ik een massage boeken?

U kunt eenvoudig een massage boeken via onze website of door ons te bellen.